火曜日~日曜日11:30~20:00 (L.O.19:00)
定休日:月曜日 ※アルコール飲料の販売は終日中止
引き続き、感染対策に努めてまいります。 ご入店の際には手の
Tel: 03 6427 7223 email: info@aldoperu.com
In response to the request of Tokyo Metropolitan Government due to the declaration of the State of Emergency, we suspend the sales of alcoholic drinks from August 23 to September 12, 2021.
Our operating hours are from 11:30 to 20:00 (L.O.19:00) during this period. ※closed on Mondays.
* On Tuesday August 24 we are open only at lunch time (11:30 -14:30 ). Sorry for any inconvenience which may be caused.
Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.
Tel: 03 6427 7223 email: info@aldoperu.com